Saturday, August 27, 2011

My to-do list

Tonight I have plans! Big ones. (Please consider that I live in the country and my week highlights include a nap on Sunday afternoon.)

1. Make dinner for the Hubs. (He's been asking for calzones for a week now and I've been putting it off. However, I must ask myself, WHY should he be deprived of good Italian food? I should encourage this!) Therefore, I've got ham, pepperoni, and hamburger waiting to meet their maker in the form of yummy goodness.

2. Play tennis. I'm pleased to inform you that I have a tennis skirt. I've got to make that purchase count...with hard labor out on the courts.

3. Complete week 1, day 1 of Couch Potato to 5k. I have no intention of ever running a 5k in real life though.

4. Remind Corey to call his friend, M, who got engaged today! I'm actually REALLY excited about this even though she doesn't know me very well. I hope we can go to the wedding! (Even though they don't have a date yet since they just got engaged today, after all.)

5. Watch X-Men 1,2, and 3. We have the series! I've already seen it, but it need to be seen more than once.

6. Bask in my house that is starting to look more like "C and L" every day. (I am not referring to any dirty clothes on the floor. That does happen all too often though. The laundry room is too far away from the closet. Poor layout and construction in my professional opinion.)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Journey IS THE Destination

I feel very "scene." I feel very beautiful. I feel very awesome. As promised, a glimpse at my new kicks. It's okay to be jealous, I understand. I encourage you to get your own pair! I'm totally fine with matching!!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Beware the Ides of March!

Technically, the Ides of March is tomorrow, but I don't want to put off posting any longer. However, I HAVE to reference classic literature when given the opportunity. :)

If you don't know (and you really should) this blog title is an allusion to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. If you haven't read it (and you really should) it details the fall of Caesar and the Roman Empire. Totally cool! Plus, it's got a lot of war and killing so boys tend to like it more than a lot of his other works. A win on every level!

Now, to the real meat of this blog post: Ummm....I don't know. I guess I'm having one of those moments where it really feels like nothing is happening, even though that isn't true.

This past weekend CD and I went to visit his home church and his family. His church was hosting a spaghetti dinner as a fundraiser and they asked him to sing (and play) as part of the entertainment. Thus, we roadtripped at least 6 hours on Saturday. I love to ride in the car. I love to drive too (see previous posts about Betsy) but I also like to be able to relax and be the best co-pilot in the entire world. (Humble!)

Anyway, we were served a lovely dinner by the members in CD's previous youth group and I got to know some of the people in his church better. That was really wonderful! Now that's he's back from East Asia (Thank you, Lord! Seriously, thank you x1 million) we've gotten to get back in to the swing of things like normal couples. I even take it for granted some times. Now you know we're back to normal!

Also, on our way there CD got a call offering him a job at W. So, on one hand this is really exciting (income!) but also it puts me in a tough spot. Where am I going to work? (Hello? Lord? It's me for the 547,669th time. I need some work!) Overall, I think I'm going to count this one as an answer to prayer and just keep having a little faith...................

In other news, I ordered Toms. They should be here today!!!! I'll have to take pictures and post them on here so all my loyal readers can be jealous. After much soul searching about Toms sketchy business and giving in to popular fashion, I've made my peace and eagerly await my new beauties.

Okay, okay I think that I've hit the high points for now. Peace!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Boys vs. Girls

***Update: Betsy is back and appears to be feeling all right. We hope for a full recovery.

You know, CD and I are a lot different. (Profound statement of the month).

I didn't grow up with any boys on a day-to-day basis and it is starting to dawn on me just how different we are. Even though I've had other boyfriends, CD is different. He is all boy. (Now he would interject and say: "MAN!") He loves to do dangerous things. He loves to use a chainsaw. He loves peering under the hood of my car and smearing grease everywhere.

I've compiled a short, non-inclusive list of things he does/would do that I have zero interest in.

1. Look at me, make sad eyes, and say, "I wish I had a skateboard, ripstick, instrument of death, etc."

2. Jump from high places.

3. Ride around on his bike with no hands. Pop wheelies on his bike. Jump his bike. Make tight turns on his bike.

4. Use any sort of tool (especially power tools) for any sort of activity. Even if a small screw driver is needed, he's headed my way with a power drill and a grin.

5. Climb rock walls, cargo nets, etc. Also, an exciting way to get down from said height is crucial.

6. Be rough with things. (Cats, shoes, furniture. You name it, he's rough with it.)
...Meanwhile, I'm walking around with a halo above my head and a nervous tick from all the dangerous things going on in my presence.

I know that many readers....(all 4 of you...)figured out this differences a long time ago but sometimes I just stop and look at him and wonder "WHY are you doing that?"

Oh well, differences are good and I'm glad we have them. I'm still just praying for all girl children though. Now, more than ever!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bad Girl Betsy

Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time, I purchased a car. My first car. My beloved. I named her Betsy. I took her for a test drive. You know how they say, "you just know"? I just knew. She was the girl for me.

She's a 99. Older model, but solid. And I stood by her and loved her when she was discriminated against for her color (a modest silver) and when the haters commented on her big bone structure and large rear end. To me, she was beautiful.(Betsy and I when we were both much younger)

We were a team. We went almost everywhere together. I knew that I could count on her to see me through the many miles that I drove. And I drove a lot! Loquetta+Betsy=Dream Team.

But, like many relationships, ours did begin to show signs of strain. The first time I remember worrying about it was on the day before I was supposed to depart for Italy. She wouldn't start. I needed deodorant. No matter what you may say, I need deo for the b.o. when I go to another country. I knew she thought I was leaving her. I even think she heard a conversation about me getting on a plane. There was no way to reassure her that I would return, the damage was done. After I replaced her battery I found out that the real problem was her starter. It cost me 60 dollars to have her towed a block. I may never get over that. Ha.

Doubts crept into the back of my mind. Would she leave me stranded like this again? But, we'd had so many good years I let my heartache (headache too!) slip from my mind.

After that low point we had more good times and many more good miles. The summer I met CD Betsy and I had another setback. One of the most lovely aspects of CD's character is that he is a servant by nature. He is also pretty handy around cars. And, to someone who describes her car as "silver", that's hot. (I just threw up in my mouth a little there. Anyway, the point is he is super neat to have around when Betsy has a meltdown.)

So that summer she began to do scary things while on the road. I took her to the nearest shop (Wal-Mart. Don't do it!) and they told me that I needed a new alternator. Ummm....okay. However, they don't do that kind of stuff so I would need to find someone who could put it in for me. CD offered to do it. I think my eyes turned into little hearts.

The next Spring Betsy once again acted out. Her engine would rev sometimes and she would get really rough when in an idle position. Sometimes she just wouldn't start. Period.

My mother had me take her to a shop in town. The mechanic prayed over her (literally) and made a very expensive repair. I soon found out that didn't really fix the problem. That summer CD and I went to visit his family and on the way my radiator (or something) boiled over.

Again, she went to the shop. The replaced her thermostat. The problem was still not fixed, and now her heater does not works as well. (Thanks a lot, Camdenton Ford!)

Still. Not. Fixed. My parents took her to a guy they knew in Iowa. He replaces spark plugs and all sorts of junk. Again, lots of money. Again, not fixed.

For the record, let me say that I loudly and repeatedly said she was still unwell. I knew she was trying to communicate with me, but I don't speak car. I can't even pick up the tones. Our relationship was so far from the happy place it had once been. I couldn't even trust her to go down to the grocery store. I lived with a constant worry hanging over my head.

Recently, my mother has again demanded that we get her to a safe place that can help her. (Moms are like that.) The first place simply said she needed her head gasket replaced. (Read: 1200 dollars.) Then, we took her to a second place and the mechanic though she needed to have the gasket and the catalytic converter replaced (Read: 1750 dollars). The final place we have visited suggests that she just needs a fuel injector replaced (Read: 500 dollars).

I don't like guessing games. And neither does Betsy. I miss the way our relationship used to be. I used her, but she liked it. I was good to her and she was good to me. Sigh. Even after all we've been through the thought of sending her to the crusher breaks my heart. She's not as young as she used to be, but she deserves a happy life with another young girl. Oh Betsy, what have we become?

Read: I'm poor and Betsy ain't making my life easy.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Today is the day of love! (But this will not be a mushy, gushy post about Valentines and love so take a breath of relief.)

Today is more important because it is my mom's birthday! What a great day! I, for one, am very glad she was born. So instead of greeting people with "Happy V day" I am choosing the phrase "Happy my mom's birthday" instead.

I know that I told you I am bad about continually blogging and I wasn't kidding. I've been meaning to post for awhile now, but part of the reason I haven't is not my fault. (Part of it is. Whatever.) My mother (birthday girl! birthday girl!) has come for a visit. It has actually been really fun having someone in the house for awhile and we've spent hours laughing and reading and eating. Talk about my version of Heaven. But, with all of my precious time being frittered away by laughter I haven't had time to update you all on my life.

My mom came to visit.

Consider yourself updated.

Also, CD came for a visit and did some manly things around the house so I wouldn't have to do them. (Happy Valentine's Day to me!) (Nothing says "I care for you" like a guy who changes your air and water filters. Trust me.)

I'm thinking of getting a haircut. I want to sell baked goods. I have all the dishes done.

Okay, really, that's all. Ha. I'm so glad I could keep you all "in the know" about my fascinating life.

Adieu lovers!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Hey! Hi! I'm friendly!

Firstly, I think we can all agree that I lead a glamorous life. Why wouldn't you want to read this? That is a very good question, and one that I will not explore at all in this blog post.

Glamorous things I have done today:
1. Ironed CD's shirts
2. Had a staring contest with the dirty dishes.
3. Won said contest.

The thing about the contest though is that either way you go, you lose. You just have to keep playing until the dishes win and you clean them. What a ripoff! Can I get an "Amen"? But, for now, I'm the reigning champ.

Oh, and
4. I started this blog.

Last night I got a chance to talk with my dear friend Dezi. She's gone on this super great adventure which leaves her busy 510% of the time so this was a real treat. It was superb to catch up for over an hour!!!
In addition, yesterday I got to see my friend boy, CD**, for almost the whole day! So many hours! We built a snowman but we were also very productive.
Oh, and today is the Superbowl, or something. I hate to say this, (no, I don't) but I don't know who is playing and I do not care. :) Take me as I am.

Well, at least I'm blogging, even if I am no Dan Bergstein. Eh, Rach?

You have now been updated.

**I had to use initials because no "legit" blogger would use a real name. And I want to be a legit blogger! So, for all of you who know real identities, shhhhhh.