Saturday, March 3, 2012

Average Week

This past while:

Corey was gone to Branson last weekend and it gave me a lot of time to sit around the house and read books! I read the Hunger Games series and found it to be very enjoyable. It's not as good as Harry Potter, but it's a thousand times better than Twilight. What you'd expect, right?
If you're looking for a good read I would definitely recommend them regardless of age, gender, etc.

This means, with Corey gone that Jeffrey and I got to spend a LOT of time together. And he's feeling particularly moody lately. He has also been losing his baby teeth (I did NOT know that cats did that!) so maybe that's why.

Also, I made a list of items that I wanted to work on around the house. Since we moved into our house during the summer (which is our busiest time) and Corey worked at least 60 hours weeks we just kind of existed. I went room by room and wrote down 76 things I'd like to fix/clean. I showed Corey my list proudly. He turned away from me saying, "You are going to drive me to drinking." Apparently NOT appreciative.

In the working world, I am now the front desk manager. And, unfortunately, though I've had the title for two months I am still not 100% sure of what my tasks will be. One so far has been the hiring of the front desk staff. Three positions available. I've had 6 people apply. I've had 3 interviews so far and have another one scheduled for Monday. To me, this means having to reject 3 people. I hate it! None of the candidates have been blowouts, so I hope I can properly communicate that while I find them personally valuable, I can't have 6 front desk workers.

Finally, have you checked out Hulu? It's a gold mine!